Monday, June 27, 2011

The Bad Guys are Caving In....

Paul Helmke is finished as of July 10, 2011.  Finished as President to the Brady Campaign and the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, that is.  Described as an archrival to pro-gun organizations, Helmke has served out the 5 years that he committed to in 2006.  He doesn't know what he is going to do next....he is planning to take some time to think on it.

The News article linked here was very pro-Helmke.  GOC suspects there is more too it than is being said, but aside from that we can not say we are disappointed in any way to see him go.  We are just curious as to who will be willing to take the reigns of an organization that obviously is losing ground in the gun rights battle across the country.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Gun bills moving....

Assembly and Senate Public Safety Committees heard 5 gun bills between them, this morning, June 21, 2011.
A Bill to register ammunition and one also to register long guns, a bill to give the DOJ access to more of the DROS fee funds, and a bill that makes it easier to get a CCW, all passed out of the Assembly PSC. (We support the last one.)  What didn't pass out is notable.  SB 798 would turn BB guns into imitation or toy guns and then they would come under the mandate to be brightly colored that the bill requires.  Lots of testimony against this bill....the manufactures and vendors really turned out in good numbers...the California Police Association voiced their opposition as well....You can see the danger of look alike guns being brightly painted, for creative criminals can paint real guns to look like toys.  The real thing though is that this bill would preempt Federal law.  Can't do that, so the bill failed its vote.  However, it is granted reconsideration!  Anti-gun California law makers are not above thumbing their noses at Federal law and most likely will spend their time until the next hearing trying to figure out a way to do just that!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Issa Calls hearing on U.S. Justice Department...

California Republican Darrell Issa has called a hearing to look at the possibility that the Department of Justice (DOJ) may be committing obstruction of justice by ignoring a subpoena.
On April 1, Issa, House Oversight Committee chairman, subpoenaed all documents pertaining to two Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) programs, Project Gunrunner and Operation Fast and Furious.
Specifically, Issa was looking for documents and communications “relating to the genesis” of the programs and any information related to the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Two AK-47s ATF was tracking through Operation Fast and Furious were found at the scene of Terry’s death.
“The unwillingness of this Administration – most specifically the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms – to answer questions about this deadly serious matter is deeply troubling,” Issa said in a statement on April 1. “Allegations surrounding this program are serious and the ability of the Justice Department to conduct an impartial investigation is in question. Congressional oversight is necessary to get the truth about what is really happening.”
Read more/Source: Click Here

Monday, June 6, 2011

hollywood and cheeseburgers

From the NEWSROOM:

Assemblyman Portantino was quoted in the Sacramento Bee to say, "Open carrying of weapons is something that belongs on a Hollywood movie set, not on Main Street or Starbucks. You don't need a sidearm in order to buy a cheeseburger," he said.  Opponents countered that the ban would leave law-abiding citizens with no option for exercising their Second Amendment rights if they are also denied a permit to carry a concealed weapon. They argued the open carry movement has not led to any altercations that would merit the ban.
Call the members of the Senate Public Safety Committee today and insist on a "NO" vote on AB 144. 
In 2010, AB 1934 was defeated on the last day of session on the floor of the State Assembly. The Democrat Assembly leadership waited too long to try to bring up the bill for a concurrence vote on the amendments made in the State Senate.  The clock ran out and the session ended before a vote could be taken on the bill.
GOC played a significant role in the defeat of AB 1934 and will again team up with our friends in the Open Carry movement to defeat AB 144.  They include Responsible Citizens of California and to name just a few…

stay and fight

Too often, we hear people saying they want to move out of this crazy state; because, well, it does appear to be too often lacking in basic common sense.  It might be easier to just pick and move to another state, more friendly to the Second Amendment, small businesses, etc.  However, if everyone leaves, the battle is lost.  

We all know this is a great state (geographically speaking).  With the ocean and the mountains all within driving distance (depending on where you are in the state, of course) and generally beautiful weather, this is a great place to live!

So here is my short plea to you: Don't give up!  We need every person who believes in what this country was founded upon to take a stand!  The fight is not lost, so keep going!

Thank you for listening.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Confrontational Politics

Google Alerts are quite possibly one of the coolest creations to come out of Google's bag of tricks.  Without Google Alerts, I would have never come across this great article that was written about our founder, Senator H.L. Richardson's book, "Confrontational Politics".  This is book/topic that our Executive Director travels around the state discussing.  Check out the article for a great review on the book ... and if you are interested in learning more about how to be confrontational in the world of politics, contact the GOC office to schedule a workshop with your local tea party, gun club, etc.  (916-984-1400)

Ammo Bill Passes Out of the Senate

The headline just about says it all.  This morning, Senator De Leon's attempt to redefine handgun ammunition has succeeded to pass out of it's first house. When the court ruled against his initial ammo registration bill (AB 962), saying it was "unconstitutionally vague", he decided to find some ways around it.  SB 124 is part of his plan ... to redefine handgun ammo so that it will include almost all of the most popular rifle cartridges.  This is part of his attempt to clarify what was considered "vague".  Among other things, this bill is just another step away from treating honest citizens who want to purchase handgun (and rifle) ammo like registered sex offenders.  

Can you imagine the government knowing how much ammo you purchase and when?  

I know you are tired of people asking you for money ... there are a lot of great causes out there.  But we need your help to stop people like Senator De Leon from taking away our rights.  Join us in the fight.  Take a stand.  Every donation helps defeat anti-gun candidates and elect pro-gun legislators.  Every donation helps fund out lobbying effort at the Capitol.  Numbers and money are what speaks to the legislature.  It's unfortunate, but true.  Join us to help protect your rights!

It's possible to beat them!  Last year, every anti-gun piece of legislation was defeated.  Let's do it again!