Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Being a non-profit, member based organization, we are always looking for new and innovative ways to raise more money ... we may be a little behind at times, but with new technology always emerging, we are doing our best to keep up.

(This is the point at which you are more than welcome to chime in with offers to help in our fundraising effort ... just sayin')

With the increase of online businesses, there are more opportunities to raise money or increase funds through businesses like Amazon.  We have recently joined the Amazon Associates Program, which enables us to make money off of particular products purchased through simple advertisements on our website.

We understand that you can barely navigate from one website to another without being bombarded with advertisements, and rest assured, we don't want to do that to our members.  However, we will use this opportunity to showcase items that might actually be of interest to our gun loving members.

So, the next time you want to browse Amazon for the latest hunting or gun gear, use our website as a portal!  You will be helping raise money to protect your gun rights!  And why not do that, just by shopping online?!

(See the rolling add on the sidebar of our website or the link under the "Media" tab) Or click on the banner below!

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